My last 10 QSO

Παρασκευή 24 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010

Σας καλούμε στο φθινοπωρινό qso party στα 2m SSB την Κυριακή 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010

Η φθινοπωρινή σύναξη των ραδιοερασιτεχνών στην ΠάρνηθαΔίπλα στο καταφύγιο Φλαμπούρι

Ημερομηνία 26/09/10.
Έναρξη 07:00 (UTC) λήξη 12:00 (UTC) περίπου.
144.150 – 144.192MHz
Εκτός των 144.160, 144.170 & 144.180MHz
144.208 – 144.295MHz
144.305 – 144.365MHz
Η συχνότητα των 144.300MHz χρησιμεύει μόνο για αναγγελία κλήσης και μετάβαση σε άλλη συχνότητα. Π.χ. CQ CQ de SW1XYZ 10 up.
Απαραίτητη προϋπόθεση των QSO η ανταλλαγή του διακριτικού, της αναφοράς λήψης και του QTH locator σας (1).
Ενθαρρύνουμε όπως πάντα, τη συμμετοχή φορητών σταθμών, τροφοδοτούμενων με μπαταρία και με μικρή ισχύ λειτουργίας. Η /P λειτουργία βοηθά στην ετοιμότητα των σταθμών αλλά και αποτελεί μία καλή προετοιμασία για το Field Day.
Σκοπός του qso party πέρα από την χαρά της ραδιοεπικοινωνίας και της γνωριμίας νέων φίλων, είναι να αυξηθεί η χρήση εκπομπών στα 2μ. και ιδιαίτερα με διαμόρφωση SSB.
Ιδιαίτερη προσοχή χρειάζεται στην αυστηρή εφαρμογή του IARU Region 1 Bandplan
Περιλαμβάνεται στο VHF MANAGERS HANDBOOK (2)
Νέοι αδειούχοι (κάτοχοι αδειών 2010) που θέλουν να παρακολουθήσουν / συμμετάσχουν στο πάρτυ, μπορούν να στείλουν e-mail για συνεννόηση.
Μπορείτε να στείλετε τις qsl κάρτες σας μέσω bureau ή απευθείας στον σταθμό με τον οποίο είχατε επαφή. Για απευθείας αποστολές, στείλτε επιπλέον ένα φάκελο με τα στοιχεία σας στη θέση του παραλήπτη για απάντηση (S.A.E.). Οι κάρτες θα απαντηθούν με τον ίδιο τρόπο που θα παραληφθούν.
Ελάτε στο μεγαλύτερο τεχνολογικό χόμπι. Δώστε το παρόν στις συχνότητες!
Για το Athens QRP Net
SW1JGW - Δημήτρης, SV1GRN – Παναγιώτης
3. τελευταία νέα για το πάρτι:

Θα είμαστε on air και από την Ξάνθη!!! στο 144.300

Υπάρχει περίπτωση την κυριακή να ρίξει καμιά βροχούλα οπότε θα έχουμε hamming in the rain!


Ο Σύλλογος Ραδιοερασιτεχνών Ν. Σερρών ανακοινώνει την έναρξη των Μαθημάτων υποψηφίων Ραδιοερασιτεχνών 1ης και 2ης Κατηγορίας για την Β' εξεταστική περίοδο Οκτωβρίου 2010.

Ημέρα έναρξης των μαθημάτων η Τετάρτη 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010 και ώρα 18.00 . Τα μαθήματα θα πραγματοποιηθούν στη αίθουσα διδασκαλίας των Γραφείων του Συλλόγου Μεραρχίας 67 (παλιός Οργανισμός Καπνού, είσοδος όπισθεν κτιρίου, έναντι Θύρας 4 Δημοτικού Γηπέδου). Οι υποψήφιοι συνάδελφοι που επιθυμούν να συμμετάσχουν στην εκπαιδευτική περίοδο παρακαλούνται να προσέρθουν την παραπάνω μέρα και ώρα, με τα απαραίτητα δικαιολογητικά που είναι : α) Φωτοτυπία αστυν. ταυτότητας επικυρωμένη β) Παράβολο δημοσίου 18 € χωρίς κρατήσεις υπερ ΟΓΑ γ) 4 φωτογραφίες έγχρωμες απλές δ) 1 φάκελο με λάστιχο .

Τα Γραφεία του Συλλόγου είναι ανοικτά για το κοινό κάθε Τετάρτη απο 19.00 εώς 22.00. Δηλώσεις Συμμετοχής μπορούν να αποστέλλονται και με E-Mail στο info(at); H φόρμα διατίθεται σε ηλεκτρονική μορφή απο το Σύλλογο εφόσον ελεχθούν τα στοιχεία του ενδιαφερομένου, και την παραδόσή της στα Γραφεία του Συλλόγου. Οι υποψήφιοι θα πρέπει να έχουν μαζί τους την Αστυνομική τους Ταυτότητα.

Για λοιπές πληροφορίες μπορείτε να απευθύνεσθαι στο Δ.Σ του Συλλόγου .

Σάββατο 11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010

Worked All Europe DX Contest - Rules 2010 Αυτο το Σαββατοκύριακο 11 και 12 Σεπτεμβρίου WAE contest

Κάνουμε επαφές μόνο με σταθμούς εκτός Ευρώπης και δίνουμε αύξοντα αριθμό!!!

The Deutscher Amateur Radio Club (DARC) invites radio amateurs world wide to participate in the annual WAE DX Contest.

1 Times
CW: August, second full weekend
Saturday, August 14, 2010, 0000 UTC until Sunday, August 15, 2010, 2359 UTC

SSB: September, second full weekend
Saturday, September 11, 2010, 0000 UTC until Sunday, September 12, 2010, 2359 UTC

RTTY: November, second full weekend
Saturday, November 13, 2010, 0000 UTC until Sunday, November 14, 2010, 2359 UTC

2 Bands
3.5 - 7 - 14 - 21 - 28 MHz.

According to IARU recommendations operation should be avoided outside contest-preferred segments. No operation to take place on:

CW : 3560-3800; 7040-7200; 14060-14350 kHz
SSB: 3650-3700; 7050-7060; 7100-7130; 14100-14125; 14300-14350 kHz.

3 Categories
Max. output 100 watts - all bands. Only one signal permitted at any time.
Output higher than 100 watts - all bands. Only one signal permitted at any time.
Band changes are allowed every 10 minutes; this includes all activities of a main station, including QSO & QTC traffic and CQing.
Only exception: Working of a multiplier. Other transmitters may be used in parallel to the main station to work multipliers on other bands.
(see §12)

•Transmitters, receivers and antennas used in the contest must be located within a 2 km diameter circle.
•The use of DX spotting nets is allowed in all categories.
4 Off Times
Single Operator stations may only operate 36 out of the 48-hour contest period.

The total of 12 hours off time may be taken in one part but not more than three parts. The off times must be shown on the summary sheet. If operation is interrupted for more than 12 hours the three longest off time periods must be a minimum of 12 hours.

5 Exchange
A contest QSO can only be conducted between a European and a non-European station (exception: RTTY, see §13). The exchange consists of RS/RST and a progressive serial number starting with 001. If the station worked does not send a serial number, log the contact with number 000. Each station can be credited only once per band.

6 Multiplier
For non-European stations the multiplier is the number of countries defined in the WAE Country List (see below) worked per band.

For European stations every non-European DXCC entity counts as a multiplier.
Exception: In the following countries up to ten numerical call areas count as multipliers:
W, VE, VK, ZL, ZS, JA, PY and RA8/RA9 and RAØ -- without respect to their geographical location.

Examples: W1, K1, KA1 and K3../1 count as W1;
VE1, VO1 und VY1 count as VE1;
JR4, 7M4 und 7K4 count as JA4;
ZL2 and ZL6 are two different multipliers.

Multiplier bonus: Country multiplier points are "weighted" by band. Multiply the number of countries worked on 3.5 MHz by four, on 7 MHz by three, and on 14/21/28 MHz by two. The total multiplier is the sum of the weighted multiplier points of all bands.

7 QTC Traffic
Additional points can be achieved by QTCs. A QTC is the report of a contest QSO back to a European station (exception: RTTY, see §13).

The following rules apply:

1.A QTC contains time, call sign and serial number of the reported QSO. Example: "1307 DA1AA 431" means that DA1AA was worked at 1307 UTC and sent serial number 431.
2.Each QSO may only be reported once as a QTC. The QTC may not be reported back to the original station.
3.Every QTC that was correctly transferred, counts one point for the sender and one point for the receiver.
4.Two stations may exchange up to 10 QTCs maximum. The two stations may establish contact several times to complete the quota.
5.QTCs are transferred by means of QTC series. A QTC series is a block of one (minimum) to ten (maximum) QTCs. QTC series are numbered using the following scheme: The first figure is the progressive serial number starting with one; the second figure denotes the number of QTCs in the series. Example: "QTC 3/7" means this is the third QTC series transmitted by this station and it contains seven QTCs.
6.For every QTC series that is transmitted or received, the QTC number, time and frequency band of the QTC transmission must be logged. If any of this data is missing from your log, no credit will be given for this QTC series.
8 Scoring
The final score is the result of total QSOs plus QTCs on all bands multiplied by the sum of all multipliers weighted by the band bonus factor (see §6).

9 Disqualification
Violation of the rules of the contest or unsportsmanlike conduct will be deemed sufficient cause for disqualification. The decisions of the contest-committee are final.

10 Submissions

Messages to contest manager (no logs):

Logs need to be sent in STF or Cabrillo-Format to the following e-mail address:

Be sure to put the station call sign into the subject of each message.

By submitting an electronic log, the participant claims to fully accept the rules of the contest. A written declaration is not necessary.
Note: After publication of the results all logs will be put into the DARC Contest Logbook (DCL).

Hand-written logs:

After the contest use a proper logging program or LM from DL8WAA to enter your data.

See Link:

If you do not have a computer, please ask a friend or family member to import the log.

11 DX & Contest Club Competition
The club score is calculated by adding the final results of all participating club members in all three WAE contests, excluding SWLs. To be counted, the name of the club has to be indicated in the log on a separate header line using the keyword "CLUB".

The club must not be an official national amateur radio club. Participating club members must live within an area of a circle with a maximum of 500 km (312 miles) diameter. For a club to be listed, a minimum of three logs must be submitted.

A trophy is sponsored for the top DX (non-EU) and the top EU clubs.

For DL stations participating in the German DARC/VFDB-Clubmeisterschaft put your DOK in the log on a separate header line using the keyword "SPECIFIC".

12 Special Rules for SWLs
SWLs record stations working in the WAEDC. Participation is only possible as a single operator all bands. Every call sign heard - European or non-European station - may be credited only once per band. Both call signs of a contest QSO have to be recorded.

Each station that is logged including the serial number that was sent by that station, counts one point. Every complete QTC which includes all QTC series information (up to a maximum of 10 per station) also counts one point.

Multipliers are counted according to the criteria indicated in §6, but both European and non-European multipliers are counted. A call sign can only be counted as a multiplier, if the serial number it sent was recorded. In the best case, for a completely recorded QSO, two points and two multipliers can be credited.

13 Special Rules for RTTY
In the RTTY portion of the WAEDC there are no continental limits; everybody can work everybody. Only QTC traffic must be performed between different continents.

Every station may send and receive QTCs. The sum of QTCs exchanged between two stations (sent plus received) must not exceed 10 (ten).

The European and non-European multipliers indicated in §6 count for all stations.

14 Log Deadline
Log deadline is always two weeks or, more specific, the third Monday after the end of the contest.

CW: August 30; SSB: September 27; RTTY: November 29, 2010.

15 Criteria for WAEDC Awards and Plaques
Continental winners will receive a plaque. Printable online certificates will be availabe for all stations on result publication.

Entries from countries split by numerical call areas for multiplier reasons (see §6) will be listed according to their reported location within their respective geographical call area.

Stations who activate a WAE country for the WAEDC from where no log was received over the last three years will be recognized as "WAEDC Hero" and receive a special prize. For 2010 these countries are:
1AØ, 9H, GJ, HV, JW, JW/b, JX, R1F, R1M, SV/A, ZA, ZB

Stations who have been in the Top-Ten/Top-Six list for at least five times can apply for a special plaque.

The WAEDC committee reserves the right to honor special contest activities with additional plaques.

WAE Country List
1AØ, 3A, 4O, 4U1I, 4U1V, 9A, 9H, C3, CT, CU, DL, E7, EA, EA6, EI, ER, ES, EU, F, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GM/s, GU, GW, HA, HB, HBØ, HV, I, IS, IT, JW, JW/b, JX, LA, LX, LY, LZ, OE, OH, OHØ, OJØ, OK, OM, ON, OY, OZ, PA, R1F, R1M, RA, RA2, S5, SM, SP, SV, SV/A, SV5, SV9, T7, TA1, TF, TK, UR, YL, YO, YU, YU8, Z3, ZA, ZB.

Παρασκευή 3 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010

ALL ASIAN DX CONTEST - 2010 Αυτό το Σαββατοκύριακο 4 και 5 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010

Supported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan.

The purpose of this contest is to enhance the activity of radio amateures in Asia and to establish as many contacts as possible during the contest periods.

Contest Period
Entry Classification
Power, Type of Emission and Frequencies
Contest Call
Restrictions on the Contest
Points and Multipliers
Instructions on the Summary and Log sheet
Announcement of Results
List of Asian Entities
(1) CW: From 00:00 UTC the third Saturday of June to 24:00 UTC the next day <48> (June 19-20,2010)
(2) Phone: From 00:00 UTC the first Saturday of Sept. to 24:00 UTC the next day <48> (Sept. 4-5, 2010)

02. BANDS:
Amateur bands 160m(CW only), 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m

(1) Single Operator Single Band
a: Asian stations.................High Power, Low Power
b: Non-Asian stations.........High Power only

(2) Single Operator Multi Band
a: Japanese(JA) stations........High Power, Low Power, Junior, Silver
b: Asian stations.......................High Power, Low Power
c: Non-Asian stations...............High Power only

(3) Multi-Operator Single Transmitter(all bands only)

(4) Multi-Operator Multi Transmitter(all bands only)

Note1: Single Operator stations means that one person performs all concerned operations during contest period. Use of PacketCluster is permitted.
2: Low Power stations are limited 100W output or less. No limitation on High Power stations.
3: Junior stations' operator age must be 19 years old or younger, and Silvers operators must be 70 years old or older.
4: 10 minutes rule(CQ WW method) is applied to Single Transmitter stations. The 10 minutes rule means that only one transmitter and one band are permitted during any 10 minutes period, defined as starting with the first logged QSO on a band. However, one-and only one other band may be used during any 10 minutes period if and only if the station worked is a new multiplier. This rule is spplied to not only running stations, but multi-stations respectively.

Within the limits of own station license.

(1) CW ........... "CQ AA"
(2) Phone......... "CQ AA Contest"

(1) For OM stations: RS(T) report plus operators' age
For example (If operator is 25 years old): Phone........5925, CW..........59925
(2) For YL stations: RS(T) report plus operators' age, but if the operator does not want to send her age, RS(T) report plus "00" (zero zero) can be sent.
For example (the operator is 25 years old): Phone........5925(or 5900), CW..........59925(or 59900)

(1) No cross band contacts.
(2) No change of operating site.
(3) For single Operator nad Multi-Operator Single Transmitter entry:
Transmitting two signals or more at the same time, including cases of different bands, is not permitted. (Except transmitting two signals to get New Multiplier under the 10 minutes rules)
(4) For Multi-Operator's entry: Transmitting two signals or more at the same time within the same band is not permitted.
(5) No operation from two sites or more for Multi-Operator's entry.
(6) No contact made through repeaters.

(1) For Asian stations:

a: Points........Perfect contact will be scored as follows. Contact among same entities will neither count as a point nor a multiplier. Duplicate contact with the same station on same band will not count as a point.

160m band.......3 points per Asian QSO. 9 points per Non-Asian QSO.
80m band.......2 points per Asian QSO. 6 points per Non-Asian QSO.
10m band.......2 points per Asian QSO. 6 points per Non-Asian QSO.
Other bands........1 point per Asian QSO. 3 points per Non-Asian QSO.

b: Multipliers........The total number of different entities (according to the DXCC List) worked on each band.

(2) For non-Asian stations:

a: Points.......Perfect contact with Asian stations (excluding U.S. auxiliary military radio stations in the Far East, Japan) will be counted as follows:

160m band................3 points
80m band...............2 points
10m band...............2 points
Other bands.................1 point

b: Multipliers.......The total number of different Asian Prefixes(according to the WPX Contest rules) worked on each band.

(3) JD1 stations.

a: JD1 stations on Ogasawara (Bonin and Volcano) Islands belong to Asia.
b: JD1 stations on Minami-tori Shiama(Marcus) Islands belong to Oceania.

(4) Maritime Mobile Stations

For all maritime mobile stations at any location (no matter outside or inside Asia), perfect contacts with only Asian stations can be counted. The total score will be published in the contest results. But, they will not be ranked. Contacts points with maritime mobile stations will be considered as same as contacts among Asian stations. But, it will not count as multiplier.

(The total of the contact points on each band) x (The total of the multipliers on each band)

It is recommended to use JARL A.A. Contest Log and Summary sheet which are available from JARL HQ for one IRC and SAE. (Summary and Log are available as "PDF files" from the JARL Web site)

(1) Each Summary sheet must include your DXCC entity, callsign used, entry class, multipliers by band, points by band and total score. It should also include a signed declaration indicating that you have observed the rules and regulations of the contest.

(2) Log sheet must contain band, date, time in UTC, call of station worked, exchange sent, exchange received, multipliers and QSO points. Use a separate sheet for each band.(For Single Transmitter entry:in order of the time contacted). Multipliers should be clearly marked by entities or Asian prefixes, first time worked on each band.

(3) For Japanese (JA) Multi-Operator's stations:Log sheet must contain operator's name/hundle in each QSO.

(4) E-mail submission
Guidlines for the acceptable electronic file format are introduced in the "Guidelines for E-mail submission of JARL contests"

(1) For both CW and Phone, certificates will be awarded to those having the highest score in each entry in proportion to the number of participants from each entity and also those from US CQ Zone 3, 4, and 5 in the United States.

a: If the number of participants are under 10 there will be an Award only to the highest scorer
b: From 11 to 20 ............ Awards only to the runner-up
c: From 21 to 30 ............ Awards to the top three
d: From 31 or more ........ Awards to the top five

(2) The highest scorer among JARL members of category in each area of Japan,under the condition having a ranking of half and more,will receive a certificate from JARL. However,this rule doesn't apply to those who received an above-mentioned certificate.

(3) The highest scorer on each Continent of the Single Operator Multi Band entry will receive a medal from JARL and a certificate from the Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan.

(4) The highest scorer of the Multi-Operator Single Transmitter and Multi Transmitter entry on each Continent will receive a medal from JARL.

(5) All JARL members who submit a log and summary will receive a "Entry Certificate" from JARL through the QSL card bureau.

(6) Special plaques will be awarded to the stations in the categories mentioned in a separate page.

(7) The Contest Award will be issued to whom fulfill the certain requirements during the contest period. The detailed information will be appeared in a separate page.

(1) Submit a summary sheet and logs of only one entry classification. E-mail submission will be welcomed.
(2) The log and summary should be postmarked by the following dates, addressed to:

JARL, All Asian DX Contest, 170-8073, Japan
Indicate CW or Phone on the envelope.

E-mail submissions to:

Deadlines for submissions:

a: CW...................July 31, 2010
b: Phone................October 31, 2010

(1) Taking points for duplicate contact on the same band in excess of 2% of the total.
(2) False statements in the report.
(3) Violations of the contest rules.

Results will be published in the Spring, 2010 issue of JARL News and also will be appeared on JARL's web site (

For those wishing to receive contest results by post, please enclose one IRC with your log.


-- Spratly Is.
3W,XV Vietnam
4J,4K Azerbaijan
4L Georgia
4S Sri Lanka
4X,4Z Israel
5B,C4,P3 Cyprus
7O Yemen
8Q Maldives(*)
9K Kuwait
9M2,4 West Malaysia
9N Nepal
9V Singapore
A4 Oman
A5 Bhutan
A6 U.A.E.
A7 Qatar
A9 Bahrain
AP Pakistan
BS7 Scarborough Reef
BV Taiwan
BV9P Pratas Is
B China
E4 Palestine
EK Armenia
EP-EQ Iran
EX Kyrgyzstan
EY Tajikistan
EZ Turkmenistan
HL,6K,6N South Korea
HS,E2 Thailand
HZ Saudi Arabia
JA-JS,7J-7N Japan
JD1 Ogasawara Is.
JT-JV Mongolia
JY Jordan
OD Lebanon
P5 North Korea
S2 Bangladesh
TA-TC Turkey(*)
UA-UI8,9,0 RA-RZ Asiatic Russia
UJ-UM Uzbekistan
UN-UQ Kazakhstan
VR Hong Kong
VU India
VU4 Andaman and Nicobar Is.
VU7 Lakshadweep
XU Cambodia
XW Laos
XX9 Macao
XY-XZ Myanmar
YA Afghanistan
YI Iraq
YK Syria
ZC4 UK Sov.Base Area on Cyprus
(*) only Asian area
Total 55 Entities as of June 1, 2009