The Russian section of the European PSK Club has the honour to invite radio amateurs from all over the world to participate in the EPC Russia DX Contest 2011. The objective of the contest is to establish as many contacts as possible between radio amateurs around the world and radio amateurs in the Russia by using the BPSK63 mode. Everybody can work everybody for QSO and multiplier credit. The EPCRUDXC is held every year on the first weekend of October. This year it starts at 04:00 UTC on Saturday 1st October, 2011 and ends at 04:00 UTC on Sunday 2nd October, 2011. The rules and other information can be found at the contest website:
Number Exchange: RSQ is not sent. EPC-Russian stations should send their EPC-RU number (4 digits) + Grid Locator, RSQ is not required (example 0262 KO95 separately). All the rest stations should send QSO number, starting 001 + Grid Locator, RSQ is not required (example 001 IO75 - Only separately). The recommended call is "CQ EPCRU TEST".

EPC-RU Contest Committee
Contest Log Checker Software www.contestlogchecker.com
The 3rd EPC Russia DX Contest will be held from 04:00 UTC on 01.10.2011 to 03:59 UTC on 02.10.2011.
1. Objective: The Russian Section of the European PSK Club has the honour to invite the radio amateurs all over the world to participate in the EPC Russia DX Contest 2011. The objective of the contest is to establish as many contacts as possible between radio amateurs around the world and radio amateurs in Russia on BPSK63 mode. The Contest is annually held at the first weekend in October in BPSK63 mode on 160, 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters bands. Every station can be contacted once per band. The operator may change the bands without any restrictions. The output power should not exceed 10 watts on 160 meters and 100 watts on other bands. Only one transmitted signal is permitted at any time.
2. Bands: EPC-RU recommends the following bands/frequencies - 160 meters (1.838 – 1.843 MHz), 80 meters (3.580 – 3.590 MHz), 40 meters (7.040 – 7.050 MHz), 20 meters (14.070 – 14.080 MHz), 15 meters (21.070 – 21.080 MHz), and 10 meters (28.070 – 28.080 MHz).
3. Categories:
SOAB [Single operator, all bands. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may change bands at any time.]
SOAB-LF [Single operator, 160, 80 and 40 meters. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may operate on 160, 80 and 40 meters only.]
SOAB-HF [Single operator, 20, 15 and 10 meters. Those stations at which one performs all of the operating, logging, and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The operator may operate on 20, 15 and 10 meters only.]
MOAB [Multi-operator station, all bands.] 4. Groups of Entrants: There are two separate groups of entrants: RUSSIA - All participants from the Russian Federation. WORLD - All the rest participants.
Note to subgroup SOAB: Participants in the subgroup SOAB may additionally declare in any of the two SOAB-LF or SOAB-HF categories (for example, R3BB SOAB and SOAB-HF. In this case do not send the second report). Participants who used to run SO2R must specify about this in the report.
Note to sub-MOAB: The team may include from 2 to 3 operators. It is desirable that they have individual or SWL callsigns. Individual callsigns must be specified in the report. Personal radio stations, working with assistants, are required to declare in MOAB subgroup and indicate the data for all operators in the report. Each participant younger than 20 years old will be awarded a personal certificate for taking part in the contest. For this reason it is necessary to indicate the full name and the date of birth.
Note to air monitoring: Observers and participants of the contest can assist the Contest Committee in terms of monitoring and recording of air possible violations. For more information, please visit epc@epc-ru.ru.
5. Number Exchange: RSQ is not sent. EPC-RU stations should send their EPC-RU number (4 digits) + Grid Locator, RSQ is not required (example 0262 KO95 separately). All the rest stations should send QSO number, starting 001 + Grid Locator, RSQ is not required (example 001 IO75 - Only separately). The recommended call is "CQ EPCRU TEST".
6. Points:
6.1 Points for all Stations: Contacts between stations in the same DXCC Country are worth 1 point. Contacts between stations on the same continent but different DXCC Countries are worth 2 points. Contacts between stations on different continents are worth 3 points. Contacts with EPC-RU stations are worth 4 points.
6.2 Points between EPC-RU stations, and EPC-RU stations and other Russian Stations: Contacts between stations on the same continent are worth 1 point. Contacts between stations on different continents are worth 2 points. 6.3 Points for contacts made on 160 meters are doubled for all participants.
7. Multiplier: A multiplier of one for each different DXCC Country contacted on each band. A multiplier of one for each different Grid Locator contacted on each band. A multiplier of one for each different Russian region (oblast) contacted on each band. There is no information regarding the maritime mobile stations.
8. Scoring: Scoring is the same for all stations. The final score is the result of the total QSO points multiplied by the sum of your multipliers.
9. Log Instructions: All times must be in UTC. All sent and received exchanges are to be logged. The Contest Committee accepts logs in the Cabrillo format ONLY. Name your Cabrillo file as your call sign (for example – mm0epc.cbr, mm0epc.txt or mm0epc.log). You should send your log via e-mail to contest@epc-ru.ru This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it Be sure to put the station call sign and your category in the «Subject» line of the message (for example – MM0EPC MOAB). Electronic submission implies a signed declaration that all contest rules and regulations for amateur radio in the country of operation have been observed.
All logs must be sent no later than 15 days after the contest (24:00 UTC 17 october 2011). Use EPC-RU Cabrillo sample file as a standard entry log file for the EPC Russia DX Contest. All logs will be published on the EPC-RU website before judgement as they have been received so that everybody can check and compare them against mistakes and errors.
.:: Log in the cabrillo format ::.
START-OF-LOG: 2.0 CALLSIGN: R3BB CATEGORY: SOAB CLAIMED-SCORE: 130 CLUB: EPC-RU#2400 CONTEST: EPC Russia DX Contest CREATED-BY: MixW NAME: Victor N. Kosobokov ADDRESS: Box ... Moscow, ZIP-code..., Russia OPERATORS: R3BB EMAIL: ra3bb@mail.ru SOAPBOX: IC-756proIII, 2-el Quad, GP
Numbers of colum

0 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 1 6 2 5 6 1 5 0 5 9 4 QSO: 7040 PM 2011-10-01 2152 R3BB 2400 KO85 RK6UWD 2148 LN46 QSO: 7040 PM 2011-10-01 2153 R3BB 2400 KO85 UA1CCO 0506 KO49 QSO: 7042 PM 2011-10-01 2154 R3BB 2400 KO85 YU1NSK 123 KN04 QSO: 7045 PM 2011-10-01 2200 R3BB 2400 KO85 UN6P 003 MO60 QSO: 14071 PM 2011-10-01 2300 R3BB 2400 KO85 UN1L 120 MO12 ......... END-OF-LOG: 10. Supporting Programmes: MixW, UR5EQF_log, and probably AATest+TrueTTY, N1MM Logger for EPCRUDXC or www.n1mm.com, 5MContest, and Log4Win. Please watch for updates.
MixW settings and statistics files for EPCRUDXC: http://www.epc-ru.ru/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=194&Itemid=113
UR5EQF_log statistics file for EPCRUDXC can be found here: http://ur5eqf.com/index.php?option=com_weblinks&catid=51&Itemid=41 Read help for setting up UR5EQF_log here: http://ur3ltd.ucoz.com/news/nastrojka_ur5eqf_log_dlja_epc_russia_dx_contest/2010-09-28-178
11. Certificates and Awards:
Certificates and awards will be sent only in electronic format jpg. Each winner and prize-winner will be awarded a certificate by the organizers of the contest but only once for the highest of all rewarded prizes.
Certificates EPCRUDXC-2011 will be awarded to:
1) The participants from Russia:
- top five in sub-SOAB, SOAB-LF, SOAB-HF;
- all participants in the subgroup of MOAB;
- first three places in eight federal districts of Russia in the overall standings of the subgroups of SOAB, SOAB-LF, SOAB-HF;
- the first place overall in the subgroups of SOAB, SOAB-LF, SOAB-HF in each region, province, Republic of Russia regardless of the number of participants from the region.
2) among the participants of all world countries except Russia:
- the first five places in the world of SOAB, SOAB-HF, SOAB-LF;
- all participants in the subgroup of MOAB;
- the first place on every continent in the SOAB, SOAB-HF, SOAB-LF;
- the first three places on the continent in SOAB, SOAB-HF, SOAB-LF provided that at least 10 participants in the subgroup of the continent;
- the first place in every country by the list of DXCC award;
- the first three places in every country by the list of DXCC award provided that at least 10 participants from the country.
Special EPCRUDXC-2011 awards will be awarded to all radio amateurs who send reports (except Checklog and caught in the DQ) and make at least the following number of QSOs:
- for Russia - 200 QSO;
- for Europe and Asia - 100 QSO;
- for other continents (except Europe and Asia) - 50 QSO.
Special EPCRUDXC-2011 awards will be awarded to the participants who will operate portable or mobile call sign (/ p, / m, / mm), regardless of the number of QSOs, both within the European Traveller PSK Award Program ETPA and from the other continents of the world. In the column "soapbox" (cabrillo format) it is necessary to specify the used equipment, antennas and the power supply which can be only the generator, the accumulator or solar batteries.
The organizers of the 3rd annual EPC Russia DX Contest which will be held on October 1 and 2, 2011 have decided to sum up the results and reward those participants of the contest, who will operate portable and mobile callsigns within the limits of the European Traveller PSK Award Program (ETPA).
As a result of the contest, with the Clauses of which you may get acquainted on this page, the participants of ETPA-expedition besides the general counting in subgroups will be in addition highlighted in the subgroup SOAB-ETPA. In summing up the results in this subgroup points and multipliers will not be counted.
The places taken in SOAB-ETPA will be distributed according to amount of the QSOs which will be confirmed by the Contest Committee. The obligatory condition is an activation of the areas (regions), i. e. more than 50 QSOs.
The participants of ETPA-expedition, after sending the report to contest@epc-ru.ru must send to another address epc@epc-ru.ru a short story and photos held activations of EPC EU Areas.
In the presence of 5 or more participants, a winner of this additional subgroup will be rewarded with special prize for the greatest number of QSO in SOAB-ETPA and with Memorable certificate. All participants who work on the program ETPA will receive this certificate.
12. Prizes:
EPCRUDXC plaques will be awarded to the winners in the following subgroups: SOAB-World, MOAB-World, SOAB-Russia, MOAB-Russia.
Traditionally, an interface "UnicomDual" - the prize from "Radioarena" will be drawn. After summing up the contest results the Russian participants who take 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in their area, province or the Republic of Russia.
The initiative group of the Russian section of the EPC invites all interested parties. Firms and teams as well as individual radio amateurs may establish their own prizes. We awaiting your suggestions to EPCRUDXC Organizing Committee: epc(AT)epc-ru.ru.
13. Disqualification:
The Contest Committee will use the mechanism of monitoring of air for the purpose of revealing of the participants who operate with exceeding of admissible IMD norms, creating considerable QRM and breaking the Rules of the given competitions.
The basis for disqualification can be:
1. The operation with excess of admissible bandwidth of BPSK63 signal due to overloads, intermodulation, harmonics of a sound card and other reasons. The Contest Committee will declare DQ to participants who will be recorded twice in a time interval not less than 15 minutes with quality of transmitting signal on scale Q<7: http://www.rsq-info.net/RSQ-Reporting-Table.html and worth, with inadmissible bandwidth of signal in Hz visible on “waterfall” and under condition of presence of a level of air noise on the time-and-frequency diagram.
2. The excess of the output power stipulated by given Rules.
3. The use for transmitting of a control number not corresponding to the Rules of contest.
4. Unsporting behaviour during contest.
The results of the infringers will be cancelled. The appeals are not accepted!