Τα στοιχεία του contest φαίνονται στον παρακείμενο πίνακα। Επιπρόσθετα σας παρουσιάζω μερικά στοιχεία από σπάνιους σταθμούς που θα είναι ενεργοί αυτό το Σαββατοκύριακο και θα λάβουν μέρος από εξωτικούς DX προορισμούς.

- 9H Malta: OH2BH will be active from Malta as 9H3BH
- EA8 Canarie: Luis, EA8AY, will be active from Tenerife Island (DIE S-012, WLOTA 1276) in SOAB category. QSL via LoTW. Valery (RD3A) will be active from his station in Gran Canaria Island as EF8M in SOAB HP.
- 5B Cyprus: RN3QO will be operating from Cyprus as 5B/US7IDX in SOAB LP
- C5 Gambia: OM0C group will be QRV again as C5A in M/M category. QSL via OM2FY
- KH8 Samoa: A multinational team will be active from American Samoa as K8A. QSL via W4PA
- P4 Aruba: W2GD will be active as P40W from Aruba in SOAB HP category.
- PJ4 Bonaire: K4BAI KU8E K1XM W1FJ will be operating as PJ4A in M/2 category. QSL via K4BAI
- VP2 Virgin Islands: Arthur N3DXX will be in SOAB category using VP2V/N3DXX. QSL via AA7V
- ZF Cayman: The callsign ZF1A will be used by K6AM K5WA e AC6T in M/S category. QSL via LoTW
- ZK2 Niue: GM3WOJ will be in SOAB HP category as ZK2V. QSL via N3SL
- 9M6 East Malaysia : JE1JKL will be active as 9M6NA as SOAB from IOTA OC-133. QSL via bureau or direct
- EL Liberia: A multinational team composed by AA7A G3SXW G4BWP KC7V KY7M N7CW will be active as EL2A as M/M. QSLs can be requested to G3SWX.
- TK Corsica: TK4W will be used by DJ2MX DJ4MZ DK4YJ DK5TX DK9TN DL2MLU DL6RAI taking part in the contest in M/2 category
- FM Martinique : UT5UGR will be active in SOAB HP from the island of Martinique as TO7A. QSL via home call
- 9J Zambia: S53A will be QRV from Zambia in SOSB 10 meter or SOAB LP. QSL via S57S
- 9N7 Nepal: 4Z4DX will be active as 9N7DX from Nepal as SOAB LP. QSL via N4AA
- AH2R Guam: JI3ERV JH5GHM JR7OMD JE8KKX will be active as AH2R in M/S category. QSL via JE8KKX
- KH0 Mariana Island : A contest team will air a M/2 from Mariana Island using AH0BT. QSL via W1FPU
- C6 Bahamas: N3IQ will be active as C6AQQ from IOTA NA-001 as SOAB HP. QSL via ND3F
- CU2 Azores: The famous contest station in the Azores, CR2X, will be operated by OH2UA. QSL via OH2BN
- CT3 Madeira: CR3L will be active in M/2 category operated by a number of operators. QSL via DJ6QT
- DL Germany: as usual DR1A will be active in M/M category. QSL via DL6FBL
- FY French Guyana: FY5KE and FY5FY will both be active during the contest. QSL via home call and LoTW
- TX8NC New Caledonia : FK8DD will be active from New Caledonia. QSL via LZ1JZ
- XV Vietnam: OM2DX will be active as XV9DX from Vietnam in SOSB 15 meters. QSL via OM3JW
- RA0FF Russia: RA0FF Eugene will be active from CQ-zone 19 in SOAB category. QSL via LoTW
- EA Spain: ED1R will be active as M/2 , the team is formed by: EA4SV Roberto, DH1TW Toby, CX5AO Ariel,DJ7IK Andy,EC1KR Jesús,EC4DX Javi and EA4ZK Rick.