Καλό Σαββατοκύριακο
σε όλους. Μετά από αρκετές μέρες που είχα τρελή δουλειά στο QRL αποφάσισα κυρίος
για εκπαιδευτικούς λόγους να τρέξω αυτήν την Κυριακή το 8th EPC BPSK63 QSO
Party 2013. παρακάτω δίνονται μερικές πληροφορίες για τον διαγωνισμό αυτό. Θα είμαστε
στον αέρα με το χαρακτηριστικό SV7BVM- EPC #12666 μαζί με τον 14χρονο γιό μου
Δημήτρη, που πήρε μόλις πριν λίγους μήνες το πτυχίο του και το χαρακτηριστικό
του. Καλή επιτυχία σε όσους συμμετάσχουν.
8th EPC
BPSK63 QSO Party 2013
Date and
Time Starting time is at 00:00 UTC, and ending time is at 24:00 UTC on Sunday 17
November, 2013.
The European PSK Club has the honour to invite the radio
amateurs all over the world to participate in the EPC PSK63 QSO Party. The
objective of the competition is to establish as many contacts as possible
between radio amateurs around the world by using the BPSK63 mode. Everybody can
work everybody for QSO and multiplier credit. MixW statistics files by R3BB for
PSK63 QSO Party: http://www.digitalrus.ru/Files/StatsEUEPC.zip
(last update 30.10.2012)
Recommended frequencies are: 160 meters (1.838 –
1.843 MHz), 80 meters
(3.580 – 3.590 MHz), 40
meters (7.040 – 7.050 MHz), 20 meters (14.070 –
14.080 MHz), 15 meters
(21.070 – 21.080 MHz), and 10
meters (28.070 – 28.080 MHz).
Transmitters and receivers must be located within a 500 meter diameter circle
or within the property limits of the station licensee’s address, whichever is
greater. All antennas used by the entrant must be physically connected by wires
to the transmitters and receivers used by the entrant. Only the entrant’s call
sign can be used to aid the entrant’s score. All entrants are allowed to use
packet and web clusters. There are no separate entrant categories in the
competition; all participants work as SINGLE-OP ALL (Single Operator - All
Bands). All stations at which one performs do all of the operating, logging,
and spotting functions. Only one signal is allowed at any one time. The
operator may change bands at any time. The output power shall not exceed 100
EPC members should
send signal report plus EPC membership number (example – 599 EPC00001). Please
make sure that you don't separate «EPC» from the «Number», and you don't use
any characters between. Please make sure that your EPC number consists of 5
digits. Other stations should send signal report plus QSO number, starting 001
(example – 599 001).
Contacts with EPC members are worth 5 points; contacts with
other stations are worth 1 point. The same stations may be contacted again on
other bands.
A multiplier of one is for each different EPC number
contacted on each band.
The final score is the result of the total QSO points
multiplied by the sum of EPC numbers contacted on each band.
First, second and third place certificates will be awarded
in the World and every continent. First place certificates will be awarded in
every participating DXCC country. All scores will be published on the EPC
website. All certificates will be issued to the licensee of the station used. All
certificates will be issued in a PDF format. If you are interested in
sponsoring a special trophy for the EPC BPSK63 QSO Party, please contact the
Mode BPSK63 should be designated in the report as PM and in
any way differently! All times must be in UTC. All sent and received exchanges
are to be logged. The Contest Committee accepts logs in the Cabrillo format
ONLY. Name your Cabrillo file as your call sign (for example - mm0epc.cbr,
mm0epc.txt or mm0epc.log). You should send your log upload via the Web
interface: http://ua9qcq.com/en/submit_log.php?lang=en
The contest name in the Cabrillo header must be «EPC-PSK63». All logs must be
sent no later than 5 days after the contest (23:59 UTC 22 November 2013). Please,
your questions or Cabrillo reports which you cannot load, send to the address
of: epc(at)epc-ru.ru
CLUB: EPC#02881
CREATED-BY: MixW v2.19
EMAIL: rk3dsw(at)rambler.ru
NAME: Yuri O.Mirolyubov
ADDRESS: Yubileinaya 1A-158
ADDRESS: Elektrostal 144009 Russia
SOAPBOX: FT-1000MP, ant. GP and 2-el Quad
QSO: 14073 PM 2013-11-17 1800 RK3DSW 599 EPC02881 R7JA 599 EPC12061
CLUB: EPC#02881
CREATED-BY: MixW v2.19
EMAIL: rk3dsw(at)rambler.ru
NAME: Yuri O.Mirolyubov
ADDRESS: Yubileinaya 1A-158
ADDRESS: Elektrostal 144009 Russia
SOAPBOX: FT-1000MP, ant. GP and 2-el Quad
QSO: 14073 PM 2013-11-17 1800 RK3DSW 599 EPC02881 R7JA 599 EPC12061
Violation of amateur radio regulations in the country of the
participant, or the rules of the competition; unsportsmanlike conduct; taking
credit for excessive unverifiable contacts or unverifiable multipliers will be
deemed sufficient cause for disqualification. Incorrectly logged calls or
numbers will be counted as unverifiable contacts for culprit only. The use by
an entrant of any non-amateur means such as telephones, telegrams, internet, or
the use of packet to solicit contacts during the competition is unsportsmanlike
and the entry is subject to disqualification. Actions and decisions of the EPC
PSK63 QSO Party Manager are official and final.
The Contest Committee will use the mechanism of monitoring
of air for the purpose of revealing of the participants who operate with
exceeding of admissible IMD norms, creating considerable QRM and breaking the
Rules of the given competitions.
The basis for disqualification can be:
1. The operation with excess of admissible bandwidth of BPSK31,63,125 signal due to overloads, intermodulation, harmonics of a sound card and other reasons. The Contest Committee will declare DQ to participants who will be recorded twice in a time interval not less than 15 minutes with quality of transmitting signal on scale Q<7: http://www.rsq-info.net/RSQ-Reporting-Table.html and worth, with inadmissible bandwidth of signal in Hz visible on "waterfall" and under condition of presence of a level of air noise on the time-and-frequency diagram.
2. The excess of the output power stipulated by given Rules.
3. The use for transmitting of a control number not corresponding to the Rules of contest, divergence in time of QSOs more than 3 minutes.
4. Unsporting behaviour during contest.
The results of the infringers will be cancelled. The appeals are not accepted!
The basis for disqualification can be:
1. The operation with excess of admissible bandwidth of BPSK31,63,125 signal due to overloads, intermodulation, harmonics of a sound card and other reasons. The Contest Committee will declare DQ to participants who will be recorded twice in a time interval not less than 15 minutes with quality of transmitting signal on scale Q<7: http://www.rsq-info.net/RSQ-Reporting-Table.html and worth, with inadmissible bandwidth of signal in Hz visible on "waterfall" and under condition of presence of a level of air noise on the time-and-frequency diagram.
2. The excess of the output power stipulated by given Rules.
3. The use for transmitting of a control number not corresponding to the Rules of contest, divergence in time of QSOs more than 3 minutes.
4. Unsporting behaviour during contest.
The results of the infringers will be cancelled. The appeals are not accepted!
We recommend MixW software [www.mixw.net] to be used in the contest. The required MixW
contest setup files for easy and correct operation in the event are listed at
R3BB website [www.digitalrus.ru].
73 CU on air de SV7BVM!!!
1 σχόλιο:
Καλή επιτυχία Σταύρο !!!! de SV2LLJ
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